Migrating to Shopify 2.0 is not just a version change, it is the incorporation of new features and a renewed architecture that will bring greater flexibility when configuring the store and speed, offering a better user experience and making your eCommerce sell more.
What is Shopify 2.0?
Shopify 2.0 is the new version presented by Shopify in the "Unite 2021" that adds new features, improvements and benefits to be able to develop, edit and customize online stores. Shopify 2.0 is more flexible and offers more advantages over the limitations of version 1.0, now called "Vintage".What are the benefits of migrating to Shopify 2.0?
The 6 benefits of migrating to Shopify 2.0 are:- Possibility to edit the structure of each page making them more dynamic.
- Improvements in the user experience.
- Modularity of apps, allowing them to be added as blocks or sections on the pages.
- Improvements in eCommerce loading times.
- Default meta fields to add additional data to pages, products or collections
- Tools for developers that will allow adding new features more easily and in less time.
Dynamic Pages with Shopify 2.0
When migrating to Shopify 2.0, one of the advantages is that -from the theme editor- you can customize your entire eCommerce, since now all the pages are dynamic and have the possibility of adding sections . For example, adding a banner in a collection to highlight a product or incorporating featured products in a blog article.Previously, you could only add sections on the home page and the other pages were fixed. To add sections to collections, products, blogs or other pages, it was necessary to modify the code of the site creating new features. This task needed to be done by a programmer with knowledge of Shopify.
Stores with version 2.0 of Shopify, in addition to those already mentioned, bring dynamic sections on all pages that allow the reorganization of each one . Moving the position of the price and title on the product page is now possible.
How does the user experience change with Shopify 2.0?
The migration to Shopify 2.0 will bring an improvement in the user experience , because from native applications and functionalities it will allow them to find products more easily, increasing sales.Own applications, such as Shopify Search & Discovery , will allow us to customize the search by configuring synonyms that match the terms used by customers, highlight products in certain searches that the customer does, and add filters that help find the product they are looking for.
All this is possible thanks to the new applications available for the Shopify 2.0 version . In previous versions, this was not possible or required a modification to the store code, which required someone with knowledge of Shopify development.
What are load times like in Shopify 2.0?
Migrating to Shopify 2.0, one of the most important advantages over the previous version is the loading time, making eCommerce 35% faster .Starting with native functionality in Shopify 2.0 themes that was previously missing or required external code, the loading speed is faster. Shopify's checkout in version 2.0 is twice as fast , with the ability to handle more orders at once.
Modular Apps in Shopify 2.0
Migrating to Shopify 2.0 allows installed apps to be added as separate blocks from the theme editor , allowing you to customize where your online store is located.Previously, in the “vintage” version, you relied on a developer with programming knowledge to add and modify the app to achieve the desired results, or relied on the app automatically adding the block to the online store, often in a flash. wrong place.
Meta fields in Shopify 2.0
Adding additional information to the different pages that eCommerce needs is much easier with Shopify 2.0 , since Shopify natively and free allows you to add additional content to help buyers choose a product .For example, for an electronics product that has very important technical information, through the metafields that are loaded on the product page, the buyer accesses that data, which adds more value to the online store.
In the same way, it allows adding an additional file (such as a PDF with a user manual) so that the user can download it.
In older versions of Shopify, additional development was required to do this, or an additional cost app had to be installed. Migrating to Shopify 2.0, all this is possible through the metafields that the platform offers natively , being an advantage over the previous version.
developer tools
One of the main advantages of migrating to Shopify 2.0 is the number of developer tools . These new tools presented by Shopify will allow the creation of new applications and functionalities for online stores, boosting eCommerce with new advanced sections in less time.Previously, modifying the checkout was only possible for Shopify Plus stores. With the new tools that Shopify offers, developers can build apps to include new features . Many of these apps are already available on the Shopify App Store .
How do I know if I have Shopify version 2.0?
To find out if the version of the Shopify theme you are using is 2.0, you must enter the personalization of the online store and in the upper central bar, enter products, pages or collections and see the icon that appears on the left side.If the icon is as follows it means that you are using version 2.0. On the other hand, if the icon that appears is the following you are still using the vintage version and we recommend migrating to version 2.0.
We suggest you contact our team.